Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Aaaaasssss Yoooouuuuuuu Wwwwiiiiiissssshhhh

Okay, now some of you may not be aware of this but Rosemary and I go for walks 3 times a week with our friend, Kathy.

Kathy introduced us to a perfectly lovely place to walk...only it turned out that there was some hiking involved.

Now, I don't wanna give away our location BUT...the hill that we go up is very steep. And it's so steep that it makes me think bad thoughts on the way up...borderline bad thoughts.

So we do it twice!

It's really hard to take a picture ('specially with a cell phone) that gives proper depth so you can tell how steep the grade is, but trust me-it makes me think of Princess Bride everytime. You know the scene where Wesley is pushed down a steep hill and Buttercup comes tumbling down after hearing the phrase "As You Wish"? It's as steep as that.

But here it is...the tiny, tiny little people way up on top are Kathy (right) and myself (left).

Rosemary took the picture, staying behind to do it and then had the AUDACITY to run up --that's right--RUN up the hill to catch us.

So here's another view from quite a distance away at this particular hill-can you get a little feel for the 'drop off' thing it's got goin' on?


  1. That little snickerdoodle... running up the hill after you! Heh. Hope you all are having fun! :)

  2. well, the talking part of the walking is fun...this stinkin' hill is not! YET!
