Sunday, October 18, 2009

The guys came with to support David. it was as really really long wait. it took over a hours waiting before we even got inside! and then it was three hours before David got called back to perform and another hour and a half before we say him again. but! we had good company!

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This is David explaining why wearing narrow vertical striped shirt wasn't a big deal. Can you see the weird wavy marks it gave my camera? I think thats why the producers requested participants NOT to wear them!

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Last weekend I picked David up in Chicago and drove him out to Oak Park to visit my dear friend Padma and meet her sister Sheila. We also got to see Mr. V . It was so good seeing Padma and David hasn't seen her since being all grown up and all. Dave and I were in Moody when we first met her and Mr. V . We are looking forward to hosting them here before they in back to SriLanka at the end of November.

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