So here are the boys... Clayton, Cousin Jayson and David sitting at a cafe calle La Sera in Chicago after a very long day visiting Moody. Clayton and Jayson got to attend college classes, eat in a college cafeteria and see walk around a lot! They especially loved the book store at the end -NOT! But Rosemary (who also went) and I loved the bookstore. What's not to love?
Anyway, the classes were awesome! Rosemary got to take a Romans class was a junior/senior class and then we both took in an afternoon class with just Jayson and Clayton as David was off filling out his application to the music school there (supposedly~!). The second class: Race, Poverty and Social Justice was soooooooo interesting. We both took notes, the prof. had us each observe a different group of students discussing a book/paper, we took the quiz and passed with an 80%. Clayton's group was quite animated and he enjoyed the students that now seemed just like other kids to him -instead of big scarey college kids. My group had several fascinating students-amazing the the quality of student that Moody draws. And the professor, Craigen, was perfect for an after lunch class..instead of a snoozer, he was quite animated, thought provoking and said many quotable things.
Rosemary's Roman's professor was a surprisingly young Phd...28 years old, and she reported that he too was interesting. They had controversy in their class, which is the college experience, right? Jayson was a bit sleepy in that high level class as we had to leave at 5:20 and so he was up very early and the rooms were sooooooo warm!
David's visit in the music dept. was very informative. We got many of our questions answered, got a better feel for their quality and expectations (both very, very high!). They have a very rigorous program, which is what we want, I think.