Friday, February 27, 2009

Ahhhh... Life is good again at Taco Bell

Taco Bell makes everything way better! Yes, it is the table picture part of our trip.
And this made Joseph think that tagging along on this particular little adventure was totally worth it. Grandma and Grandpa are at the table too.

"Have Gun Will Travel" movie marathon

Grandpa and Joseph in the 'way back' of the van on the way back home from Chicago.
Can you back-seat drive from the seat in of the back seat? Ask Mom what she thinks...she was the one driving back to Wisconsin.

They were back there watching episodes of "Have Gun, Will Travel" which Joseph thinks is the best show ever. It's so cute watching them watch movies on a little portable dvd player with earbuds in. Something I certainly didn't do with MY Grandparents!! Technology can help bridge the generation gap-amazing.

David finds out that music composition is NOT going to be his undergrad degree.

I wore a sweater and everything!

The Thinking Man

Son David contemplates his future after his audition. He will be having another audition next week perhaps-then, or middle to late March. The college admission drama continues!

A snippet of the praise team for urban missions week

This student body praise team was so awesome! The drummer in down in front on the left side with the lead guitar and bass on down on the right, and a Sam McCumber like guy at the piano and keyboard. They were movin', raisin' their hands and people out in the audience were clapping-which makes getting a good recording on a little cellphone really tough people!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sterling North Show 2009

Here's Grandpa Hodges doing two songs. He was so great! The audience really enjoyed him.
FIVE of his grandsons (David, Clayton, Joseph, Jayson, and Joel) were also in the show.

MANIFOLD! Yes, this is the boy's band. It's Clayton (far left), nephew Jayson, friend Nathan singng, Joseph on drums, nephew Joel and friend Michael on the bass.
They performed a song called New Beginning composed by son David, arrangement by the band with lyrics by Nathan. It was very much a group effort. This was their first public performance outside of the teen center.

And finally, here we have son David. He's performing three of his original compositions. The first is Snow Drift Riff-which is a new favorite of mine.

It was a lot of fun that day. There is a lot of talent in the Edgerton area; singing, dancing, flags, poetic readings-it had great variety. It was just the sort of thing that makes living in a small town a charming experience.